An Arduino home security system which could watch door and window sensors, make you know by email or Twitter when they are opened. And it is very convenient to set the alarm when it recognizes your smart phone enter into or out of range.
An Arduino controlled spa bath might be at different temperatures depending on the time of the day, so that the kids have a cooler temperature in the afternoon than you do at night.
An Arduino climate control system could talk to your Google calendar through the internet and only turn on the heaters when you're not on vacation, or the day before you return! It might decrease the room temperatures only in empty rooms during selected hours.
With Arduino the only limit is your imagination. All these things are possible once you've connected to the net using an Arduino shield.An Arduino shield is a piece of electronic equipment which allows a control board to be connected up to the internet, and once it's installed a whole range of new functionality becomes accessible. For Arduino shields are not only let machines online access, but also act in a lot of other roles, from servers to storage devices.
As we all know, not all shields are the same, so the choice of shield depends on the project being undertaken. For example, in the eyes of some people who planning to use the shield for storage or programming purposes, it's very important to choose a shield which has onboard microSD card. The micro SD card not only offers them a range of programming options, but also act as a valuable time saving device when it comes to functions such as downloading web data or creating room for core programming data.
If you want to buy a shield, it's very important to check its compatibility with the devices you're currently using - although Arduino shields are not expensive, you'll feel pity if you buy an Arduino shield and get it home only to find it doesn't fit your control board. One of the most popular makers of control boards and circuits are Arduino, and if you're an electronics enthusiast operating on a budget the chances are that the device you've created will be powered by an Arduino board. Fortunately Arduino make a shield compatible with almost all of their devices, so if you have an Arduino brand board of you own there should be no trouble for you to get your project online.
There are a great many of shields both on the street and internet, but one of the best places to choose from are a company which called Yasurs, not only because they offer the cheapest shields and other electronic devices, but also provide very good service.