In this article I want to tell something about the fundamental factors of Arduino
board. I will explain three problems: what is Arduino? How does it works and
Why the Arduino makes our lives so special?
First, Arduino is a
cheep prototyping board which is designed for controlling objects and
interactive programs. The price is about $30 to $50. The board works by using an
Atmel microcontroller with supplemental electronic devices to keep the
availability and sturdiness of the computing unit. For example, the Voltage
Regulator regulates the input voltage and allows delivering from 5 to 12 volt,
while the board usually need 5 volt to work. Among the components of Arduino,
standard connectivity is the most important thing. Generally speaking, it often
has 16 to 48 I/O pins. Some boards are digital. But others are designed for
analogy input voltage measurements. Moreover, a number of the gigital I/O can
generate PWM , that is, pulse-width modulation .
The Ardunio is no only components open source. It is also a software open
source too. It has a free open source called IDE, which can allow us write and
add our applications to the board. The programming language of Arduino relies on
'Processing' programming language. Which has a couple of clicks and pair line of
codes, we can be able to upload our program on the board.
The Arduino has a lot of community, where you can find people to ask
questions and search websites. Furthermore, they documented the Arduino
properly. Everything is effectively spelled out and easy to understanding.
Accessing the necessary info is pretty quick from their official internet
The undertaking started in Italy by two college students. The
popurse of them was to build a cheep microcontroller to regulate interactive
digital objects. By May 2011, more than 300000 Arduino boards have already been
All in all, Arduino is a cheep prototyping system. It can be used by
pupils and professionals. It's small and very common in its class. It offers a
standard connectivity pins. It can be effectively documented and helpful. I have
plenty of prototyping techniques, but in my opinion, Arduino is a very cheap
thing which you can take at a price of $36.