What the power environment does the LCD Keypad Shield require?
The Lcd & Keypad Shield needs a good 5V electric power supply to ensure the backlight totally illuminates and the display contrast is high,if you power your Arduino from USB together with the Liquid crystal display Protect attached you may experience a voltage drop over the USB cable.
If you have trouble with dispiay contrast or backlight brightness, try attaching a power supply of around 7 to 9Vdc to the 2.1mm DC jack on the Arduino. A typical symptom in an undervoltage situation is that one line of the LCD will present pale rectangles in place of the characters, and the other line will clearly show nothing at all. The Arduino may even continue running normally since it is very happy at just 4V or so, but the LCD Keypad Shield won't function.
What the Library does the LCD Keypad Shield need?
All the hard work of interfacing with all the Liquid crystal display Shield is handled by the LiquidCrystal library, which is included as part of the official Arduino distribution. You can check whether you have it installed by starting up the IDE and looking under Files -> Examples -> LiquidCrystal. If it exists, you can do.