Arduino has a great development in recent years, however, there are still some guys don’t have a good understanding about it. If you have heard of the Arduino but aren’t familiar with it. You’d better read this article, I will tell something you want to know.
To be honest, Arduino is a cheap, open-source microcontroller:
If you Arduino in Google, you’ll find a lot of Arduino for sale. And is very cheap, you can take it for 40 dollars if you want.
There are many schematics for Arduino online free of charge, so you can build you own Arduino, it’s up to you.
Arduino is a microcontroller which allows you project to deal with the inputs and outputs. Inputs are components such as human-interface elements and sensors. Outputs are devices like displays, motors and servos.
It’s not difficult to get started, but to understand a great many of the components you will work with is boring probably. Ok, let’s begin.
At first, I want to tell something about Arduino controller boards.
The Uno is the most traditional Arduino board. It has an ATmega328 microcontroller with it. A 14 digital I/O pins and 6 analogue input pins are fixed on it, which can allows you to program it with your computer. The Uno has two good points, as the most traditional Arduino board, there are many shields and other components designed foe it, besides, it is removable, if you want to change it, just do it!
The ATmega328 microcontroller is an 8-bit processor which has merely 2K of system memory and 32K of flash memory. So if you project is complicated, this characteristic may give you a bad impression.
The other Arduino board is Due which has a 32-bit ARM processor with 50k of SRAM and 256k of flash memory, built around the SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 microprocessor. It has three times I/O pins than Uno, so no matter how many servos, sensors you want to add, you can make it.
These two kinds of Arduino board are very popular, but not the only choice. We have other Arduino board such as the tiny Arduino Micro, Arduino Ethernet, Arduino Nano, Arduino Leonardo and Lilypad and so on.
I recommend you have you own Arduino components if you are interested in Arduino. Because the theory is abstract and boring, you don’t learn anything only see other’s experience. Remember that: Practice makes perfect.